Download tales of zestiria eizen
Download tales of zestiria eizen

They can activate a geoboard simply by speaking their normin name near one. It is explained that a Normin's Normin Name is a title based on their specific affinities and talents, while names like "Bienfu" and "Grimoirh" are more akin to stage names. Tales of Berseria introduces two new Normin, Bienfu and Grimoirh. At the prompting of the others, Phoenix agrees to help the group, never letting go of his ambition to create a land where the normin can be free. Phoenix then tries to start the normin rebellion anew once more, but the other normin are quick to shut him down. The group deduces that, as the mascot was given to Edna by her brother Eizen, Phoenix was meant to protect her from all threats, including Eizen himself. Once defeated, Phoenix agrees to leave Edna in Sorey's care. Phoenix challenges the group to battle, proving a formidable foe. He disguised himself as the mascot on Edna's umbrella, though both she and the other normin realized he was there and only pretended not to see him for his ego. There, he reveals himself as Phoenix, the strongest of the normin. When the group has gathered the forty-nine normin, the secret fiftieth normin challenges the group at Igraine. The leaderish normin instead battled and eventually lost to a seraph, vanishing from the pages of history. The other normin, however, simply asked for breaks, which they got. Lailah reveals that their sort-of leader rose up against the abuse and demanded independence. During a skit, Sorey questions why the normin's powers are not in such high demand when they are so useful.

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Edna tells the group that they should catch them all for their useful abilities, and Sorey agrees.

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They begged her to allow them to become her Sub Lords, but she refused, and so they scattered across the world in melancholy. Rohan agrees to become the Lord of the Land, while Atakk serves him.Īfterward, Atakk reveals that forty-nine of them used to travel with Lailah and still hold affection for her. The gambit is successful, allowing them to quell the Drake and returning the seraph Rohan to his original form. Atakk offers his help at this point, and Mikleo realizes that by combining his armatus's arrows with Atakk's power, they can bring the Drake to earth.

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Eventually, however, the group needs to somehow quell the Drake hellion flying beyond reach. After sharing his story, he asks to be left alone. Atakk is a lover of art, and seeing the desecration of his beloved collection infected him with malevolence.

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After quelling him and returning him to his original form, Atakk reveals that he became a hellion when wartime started and nationalistic humans began both trashing art from other countries and moving it on the black market. In Zestiria, Sorey's group meets its first normin at the Dumnonia Museum, where the normin Atakk has turned into the hellion Knight Arthur.

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